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Free Mailing List Analysis

Is your data direct mail ready?  The 2016 USPS Post Office statistics show over 63 billion pieces of mail sent by consumers and companies are UNDELIVERABLE. For direct marketers, this equals money wasted because marketing mail is not returned if undeliverable as addressed. Where does marketing mail end up if it is not deliverable? The answer is it is recycled.  The cost of mailers is stellar.  Each mailing piece recycled due to bad addressing averages 50 cents, including printing, mailing services, and postage paid.  There is an inexpensive solution.  All Professional Mailing Services are required to validate and NCOA all marketing mailing lists prior to mailing.

Find out for free. Submit a mailing list. Prestige will Validate NCOA Process for Changes.  The file will also be tested through the USPS Informed Delivery pre-flight.  You will receive a report reflecting on how many address changes and invalid addresses. The report will also reflect how many consumers on the mailing list are registered to receive an Informed Delivery Campaign.

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Reaching Your Goals

Direct Mailing and Letter Shop

Prestige hosts a wide array of specialized services including addressing, inserting, wafering, and collating machines. Our comprehensive hand fulfillment department is geared to meet your specific needs. Prestige has complete in-house
direct mailing services and custom fulfillment that can improve any marketing campaign. The data department offers targeted mailing lists to quality data processing. Each list is standardized, CASS, NCOA, and duplicates removed with every mailing processed.

Fast, time-saving direct mail solutions

Use our free postal design analysis to ensure your mailer meets USPS regulations.


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Creating Impact

Quality Color and B&W Digital Variable Imaging

Prestige makes you look good. Using high-quality digital printing that will sell your company's services and deliver a powerful message.

Fully equipped with 6 Digital Color Printers and 2 High-speed B&W Digital Printers, Variable Data Projects print with Rapid Turnaround time. Using both Minolta and Xerox platforms, color imaging up to 13" x 19" is a cinch. Envelopes printed in full color and addressed at the same time on a high-quality Digital Envelope Printer. Your printed materials are produced quickly with razor-sharp resolution and eye-popping color. Prestige intends to exceed your expectations every time. Take advantage of Prestige's full-service digital imaging at a competitive price. Let us help you create your next project with our customized print solutions.

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Since 1993

Join the Postal Wizards

Welcome to a new philosophy of Direct Mail Done Right.  Back in the day, direct marketing was like going with the Kentucky wind.  Targeting and maintaining a mailing list was an arduous task.  Most lists companies had, but a few sources for information, and many data lists demographics were inferred.  Cleaning up a mailing list required mailing with ancillary services through the United States Postal Services and then updating the returned mail records.
A mailing list can change up to 12 percent per year.  If a mailing data file is not used in a year or so, the addresses are considered outdated. All this has changed.  With the advent of 'Big' data and new technology available through the United States Postal Service, many new tools are available. The Old Mailing lists can get scrubbed and new targeted lists easily acquired.

Furthermore, Direct Marketing can now include the power of the digital age.  Find out about Informed Delivery, National Change of Address and can affect your next direct mail project.


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